Unveiling the Dark Side of the Modern Education System
The Illusion of Knowledge

Ever feel like the world’s gone a bit crazy?

Kinda like common sense isn’t so common anymore.

You’re not alone.

Let’s explore how society has been shaped by unspoken motives, starting with the education system.

This will forever change how you see education.

What Led Us Here

So why write this?

Well, the world is a little bit of a mess right now, don’t ya think?

We’re arguing about topics that distract from bigger issues, and it’s causing division.

On top of that, we’re eating up whatever we’re being told without even questioning it.

When did this start and why the hell isn’t anyone talking about it?

If you’re like me, you want to try and figure this out.

That way, we can at least start working on resolving the issue.

So, I started with the education system.

I’m here to present you with some facts about the history of the education system that you might not have known about.

The Birth of the Conditioning Factor

Ever wondered where our modern education system originated?

Well, it traces back to a private meeting in 1902, held at the Rockefeller estate.

That meeting led to the creation of the General Education Board.

This board promised universal education for all.

Who wouldn’t want that?

Well, the government thought it was a great idea.

And, they started funneling money into the initiative.

But here’s something to think about - many assumed the government was solely in control, but the dynamics had subtly shifted.

Now, big business also had influence.

The Prussian Blueprint for Obedience

Let’s rewind a little to the Prussian Empire.

The Prussian Empire got beaten by Napoleon in 1806, and it left them wondering, “What the hell? Why did we lose?”

The answer they came up with?

Soldiers were thinking for themselves on the battlefield.

Not kidding.

And this was a big problem for them.

So, their solution?

An education system built on obedience and compliance.

No room for questions, just follow orders.

Philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte was the architect behind it all.

This is what he had to say,

“Education should aim at destroying free will so that after pupils are thus schooled they will be incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished.”

Now, think about that for a second.

Destroying free will.

Incapable throughout the rest of their lives of thinking or acting otherwise.

Yes, he really did say that. Look it up.

It’s a chilling thought, isn’t it?

The goal was to make sure that once you’re out of school, you’re not capable of thinking or acting any differently than what you’ve been programmed to do.

Here’s what the Prussian model was all about:

  • Strict discipline and control over students

  • Fixed schedules and long study hour

  • Uniform curriculum and standardized tests

  • No space for independent thought or individuality

And get this: they didn’t just keep this system to themselves.

They forced it onto places they occupied, like Poland.

The result?

A population that couldn’t think for itself, making them the perfect soldiers and citizens for an empire with big ambitions.

One more thing to note:

Prussia is now part of what we call Germany today.

Something significant happened there recently that might make you think twice about this educational approach.

Food for thought.

How America Got Its Education System

So, Horace Mann is the guy everyone credits for shaping American public education.

But what many don’t know is that he was super impressed by schools in Prussia when he visited Germany in 1843.

Horace Mann then brought it back and started implementing a similar version in the US.

He pushed the Prussian model in the North, and it didn’t take long for it to be the standard nationwide.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting.

Prussian kids were trained to be good little soldiers and citizens, but that wasn’t going to fly in America.

Enter John D. Rockefeller.

He saw a chance to standardize education, ensuring kids would fit neatly into the system.

So, in the U.S., kids were being prepped to be obedient workers.

Educated enough to work, but not enough to question the system.

Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?

Was this really what my education was all about?

The Real Deal Behind Our Schools

So, you’ve probably heard that education is the key to success, right?

But have you ever stopped to consider what the system’s real goals might be?

When Rockefeller stepped into the world of public education, he didn’t just fund it.

He shaped it.

The curriculum was designed in a way that seemed to say, “Work hard, and you’ll find your purpose.”

Now, I’m not suggesting some grand scheme to control us all.

But it’s worth noting that the system seems less focused on nurturing independent thinkers these days.

What it is damn good at is producing people skilled at following directions.

And let’s be honest, this is a useful quality for giant enterprises, kinda like Rockefeller’s oil industry.

Comedian George Carlin had a point when he said,

“They want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, but just dumb enough to passively accept their lot."

It really makes you think.

We’ve often been told education is for our benefit, which is true, of course.

But it might be worth asking, who does this system really serve?

I mean, if the system was designed to create compliant workers, then it’s doing a damn good job.

So, when someone tells you education is your ticket to success, maybe ask, whose success are we talking about?

The Real Price Tag of Higher Education

How about we talk about the big issue everyone’s avoiding: the crazy, insane cost of college.

Back in the day, student loans were a blessing.

Finally, college was suddenly within reach for everyone.

But the reality is it messed up the whole system.

Well, actually the government messed up the whole system.

Once they got involved with loans, universities stopped worrying about keeping tuition affordable.

Fast forward to now, and what do we see?

Tuition costs have gone through the roof, way past the rate of inflation.

Feeling the pinch yet?

Now picture the new grads drowning in debt.

They’re grabbing any job that helps them chip away at those loans.

Forget about following a passion or making a real difference.

It’s all about that monthly bill.

And let’s not even talk about how colleges have turned into echo chambers.

The days of open debates and free-thinking?


Now it’s all about toeing the line and not rocking the boat.

So what’s the end game here?

We’ve got a whole generation drowning in debt, limited in their life choices, and funneled into a system that doesn’t value different opinions.

It really makes you wonder.

Quick Recap: Where We’re At

Our education system has deep roots, and they’re not all pretty.

  • First, the Prussians. After a loss to Napoleon, they blamed free-thinking soldiers and built a system that killed free will. Philosopher Johann Fichte was the brains behind it.

  • Horace Mann brought this “obey-first” model to America, backed by big names and the government.

  • Then there’s the cost of higher education. Once a godsend, student loans have now trapped a generation in debt and limited choices.

  • From Prussian obedience to America’s focus on compliant workers, and now to crippling student loans, it’s a twisted journey.

We’re told it’s for the greater good, but is it?

Or is it more about control and corporate interests?

This system’s molded us and many others for years.

Knowing its history lets us question its purpose.

Time for a new chapter, no?

The Unfiltered Truth

Look, do I think the people who built the system were evil?

Honestly, I don’t know.

I’d like to say no.

But let’s be real — good intentions don’t always lead to good outcomes.

Do I think the education system was set up as some master plan to control us all?

I’m not fully convinced.

But, two things can be true at once.

Maybe the system wasn’t designed to be harmful, but that doesn’t mean it can’t turn out that way.

And it also doesn’t mean it’s not skewed to benefit a select few.

That’s why we’ve got to question it.

I’m on the same journey as you.

Trying to sort through all the bullshit and find the truth.

But there is something I do know.

There are a lot of people who are miserable in their jobs and many are struggling to get by.

Reports say 85% of Americans are unhappy at work.

And recent stats show that 60% feel emotionally detached and 50% feel trapped in a job they can’t quit.

That’s messed up, especially now, when there are more opportunities than ever before.

Breaking Free from the System

The first step to breaking free is to educate yourself and question things.

Don’t take everything at face value.

Some argue the education system is designed more to serve those in power than the everyday people.

What do you think?

Don’t just swallow what you’re told about education.

Be critical. Ask questions.

Does the system encourage independent thought, or does it seem designed to keep us in line?

Find your own way based on what’s true, not just what you’re told to believe.

Get into subjects that schools don’t usually teach — like philosophy and ethics.

Go for wisdom and empowerment, not just grades.

You’ve got a choice.

You can stay stuck in a system, or you can break free and be your own person.

So, what’s your next move?


We all know education is crucial.

No debate there.

And I didn’t write this to trash the system.

But, there’s also a difference between education and an education system.

I just wanted to present to you what took place and how our modern education system came to be.

Don’t take my word for it.

Look into all of this yourself and form your own opinion.

Our education system is shaping the future, and I think we all can agree that it needs an overhaul.

Too many people are drifting through life, feeling like they’re missing something.

And ignoring the issue or arguing about it isn’t solving anything.

We need to understand the problem before we can fix it.

So, are you in the system or will you stand apart?

What Are Your Thoughts?

If you’ve made it this far, thanks so much for reading. And, if you found value in this article, it would mean the world to me if you shared it with others!

What's your take and what do you think about this? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

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