Education & Lifelong Learning: Explore and Grow

Unlock the world of learning with YouTube channels that bring knowledge to life.

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Looking to pick up something new or deepen what you already know?

We've got you covered.

This section is where you'll find channels that make learning easy and interesting.

We've picked out YouTube channels that cover everything from book summaries and how to talk to others, to understanding life better and learning useful life skills.

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Get the insights and strategies that have powered successful businesses and how you can apply them.

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Explore channels that dive into life’s big questions and lessons, providing guidance, wisdom, and perspectives to navigate life's journey.

Find channels that equip you with essential life skills, from managing finances to improving productivity, crucial for thriving in today's world.

Dive into the world of philosophy with channels that explore deep thoughts, theories, and the philosophies that shape our understanding of life and existence.

Best YouTube Channels for Book Summaries

Escaping Ordinary, run by B.C Marx, is a YouTube channel that brings books and ideas to life in a visual format. The channel aims to get people, especially the younger generation, to read more and scroll less on social media. With a focus on self-improvement and psychology, the channel offers visual summaries of popular books and explores common thinking errors.

FightMediocrity is a YouTube channel that creates book summaries and collaborates with renowned authors and thinkers. The channel aims to distill complex ideas from books into easily digestible animated videos. Topics range from personal development to philosophy, featuring insights from experts like Dr. Jordan Peterson and Tim Ferriss.

One Percent Better is a YouTube channel that offers animated book summaries focusing on self-development, health, wealth, relationships, happiness, and psychology. The channel aims to make you 1% better by distilling key lessons from success and self-development books into 10-minute videos. Run by Brandon from South Australia, the channel also features tier lists ranking self-improvement books and discussions on various topics.

Productivity Game is a YouTube channel that's like a shortcut to the wisdom contained in best-selling books. This channel unpacks key insights from books related to productivity, personal development, and business through simple, well-crafted animations. It's tailor-made for lifelong learners looking to boost their productivity and achieve their goals.

The Read and Grow YouTube channel delivers detailed summaries and insightful analyses of popular self-help, business, and psychology books. It's an excellent resource for busy book lovers or those seeking to gain valuable knowledge without investing a lot of time.

Successful By Design is a YouTube channel that extracts the top tactics and ideas from the best books in business and self-help. The channel aims to help you implement these ideas faster through animated book summaries and reviews. With videos like "Never Split The Difference Summary & Review" and "Atomic Habits Summary & Review," the channel provides actionable insights for personal and professional growth.

TridentLion is a YouTube channel run by Matt, who aims to help you "level up" in various aspects of life. The channel offers animated book summaries, personal development hacks, and even some real estate vlogs. Whether you're interested in Stoic philosophy or looking for tips on personal growth, TridentLion has something for everyone.

Wisdom for Life is a YouTube channel that offers "lessons for life," featuring a variety of thought-provoking videos. With content ranging from summaries of books like "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" to explorations of the universe's size, the channel aims to expand your horizons. Whether you're interested in self-development or pondering life's big questions, this channel has something to offer.

Best YouTube Channels for Learning Communication

Charisma on Command is a YouTube channel that aims to help you become more charismatic and confident in social situations. Hosted by Charlie Houpert, the channel offers videos on how to be more likable, how to make people laugh, and basically how to exude charisma. The channel believes that relationships in life are everything, so it focuses on teaching you to turn on your most confident, charismatic self when it matters most.

Best YouTube Channels for Learning

Academy of Ideas is a YouTube channel that delves into a wide range of intellectual topics, from psychology and philosophy to history and politics. The channel aims to liberate individuals from the "tyranny of thoughtlessness" by offering in-depth analyses and discussions. With videos that explore the works of great thinkers like Carl Jung and Friedrich Nietzsche, the channel serves as a rich resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of complex ideas.

Aperture Thinking is a YouTube channel that aims to bring the universe down to Earth through thought-provoking content. The channel explores a wide range of topics, from philosophy and psychology to science and technology. Whether you're interested in the Fermi Paradox or the dark side of big tech, this channel offers deep dives into complex subjects to make you think.

Big Think is a YouTube channel that aims to be the leading source of expert-driven, actionable, educational content. With thousands of videos featuring experts from Bill Clinton to Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the channel helps you get smarter, faster. The channel covers a wide range of intellectual topics and aims to help you explore big ideas and core skills for the 21st century.

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., is a cellular biologist and former medical school professor who focuses on the intersection of science, spirituality, and human potential. His channel offers a variety of content, including discussions on the power of the mind, the science of cells, and the nature of reality. With groundbreaking scientific studies, Dr. Lipton challenges conventional scientific dogma and offers a new perspective on how thoughts, feelings, and emotions can impact our physical well-being.

Chris Williamson is the host of the Modern Wisdom Podcast and his YouTube channel serves as an extension of that. The channel aims to help people understand the complexities of the world through deep conversations with experts in various fields. From discussing the nuances of modern dating to exploring the science of stress management, Chris aims to provide a well-rounded understanding of life's challenges and opportunities.

Dr. Joe Dispenza is a New York Times best-selling author, researcher, and lecturer who focuses on neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics. His channel is a treasure trove of content that teaches people how to heal their bodies, make significant life changes, and evolve their consciousness. Whether you're interested in the science behind spontaneous remissions or looking for practical steps to transform your life, this channel has got you covered.

The Ed Mylett Show is a platform where Ed Mylett, one of the top business leaders and peak performance experts, showcases the greatest peak-performers across various industries. The channel covers a wide range of topics, from business and health to sports, politics, and science. Whether you're looking for motivation, inspiration, or practical steps to improve yourself, this channel aims to help you become the best version of you.

Evan Carmichael is a YouTube channel that aims to solve the world's biggest problem through motivational and educational content. With the hashtag #Believe, the channel offers a variety of videos that focus on entrepreneurship, personal development, and success strategies. Evan Carmichael collaborates with experts and thought leaders to provide actionable advice and inspire viewers to achieve their goals.

Graham Stephan is a YouTube channel run by a 30-year-old real estate agent and investor who's been in the industry since he was 18. With over $120 million in residential real estate sales, Graham shares his successes, failures, and experiences to help others get into the business. Besides real estate, he's also obsessed with cars and often features them on his channel.

Illacertus is a YouTube channel that dives deep into the philosophies of great strategists, statesmen, and thinkers like Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. The channel synthesizes political, philosophical, and religious texts, offering insights into strategies that can help you win in life. With animated videos, they cover a wide range of topics from history to power dynamics, often featuring works by Robert Greene.

Insight Junky is a YouTube channel that focuses on personal development through high-quality animations. The channel offers animated book summaries, inspirational videos, and other content aimed at expanding your mind. With a variety of topics covered, from philosophy to productivity, the channel aims to help you improve your life in a meaningful way.

Jordan B. Peterson is a Canadian professor of psychology, clinical psychologist, and YouTube personality who also hosts the #1 Education Podcast, "The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast." The channel features a mix of his classes, podcasts, interviews, book tours, and lectures. Topics range from psychology and philosophy to the psychological significance of biblical stories, aiming to provide a deep understanding of human behavior and thought.

Kurzgesagt is a YouTube channel that explains complex topics through animated videos, all with a touch of "optimistic nihilism." The channel covers a wide range of subjects, from science and technology to philosophy and social issues. With visually stunning animations and well-researched content, Kurzgesagt aims to spark curiosity and deepen your understanding of the world.

Little Bit Better is a YouTube channel by Elvin, who specializes in summarizing personal development books for entrepreneurs. With a Master's degree in business management, Elvin uses the channel as a real-life implementation of his diploma thesis. The channel covers a wide range of topics, from how to reduce procrastination to reprogramming your mind, all aimed at helping you achieve your goals.

One Percent Better is a YouTube channel that offers animated book summaries focusing on self-development, health, wealth, relationships, happiness, and psychology. The channel aims to make you 1% better by distilling key lessons from success and self-development books into 10-minute videos. Run by Brandon from South Australia, the channel also features tier lists ranking self-improvement books and discussions on various topics.

Pursuit of Wonder is a YouTube channel that aims to make you curious, inspired, and feel good. The channel covers a wide range of topics like philosophy, science, literature, and emotional well-being, using various formats like video essays and short stories. Whether you're interested in the art of not caring or dealing with an age of hopelessness, this channel offers content that provokes thought and enriches your life.

The Diary of a CEO is a YouTube channel by Stephen Bartlett, a successful entrepreneur who shares his insights, experiences, and life as a CEO. His content covers interviews with industry leaders, thought-provoking discussions, and invaluable lessons in entrepreneurship and business. It's perfect for anyone interested in entrepreneurship or those seeking to gain business wisdom from a real-life CEO.

Thomas Frank is a YouTuber who focuses on productivity, study tips, and personal development. Whether you're in high school, college, or the "real world," his channel offers strategies for learning faster, beating procrastination, and achieving more. From note-taking techniques to tackling procrastination, Thomas Frank aims to help you be more productive and efficient in your life.

Tim Ferriss is an entrepreneur, author, and podcaster who has been named one of Fast Company's "Most Innovative Business People" and one of Fortune's "40 under 40." His channel features The Tim Ferriss Show podcast, where he deconstructs world-class performers to extract tactics, tools, and routines you can use. With over 900 million podcast downloads, Tim has a massive influence in the realms of business, self-development, and beyond.

Tom Bilyeu is the host of Impact Theory, a show that aims to help people thrive in uncertain times and improve meaningful aspects of their lives. With a focus on mindset, marketing, sales, pricing, and motivation, the channel offers interviews with the world's most sought-after guests. Tom's insatiable hunger for knowledge gives the show urgency, relevance, and depth, empowering viewers to take control of their lives and develop personal power.

Valuetainment is a YouTube channel that serves as a leading source of information, education, and entertainment centered on entrepreneurship and capitalism. Hosted by Patrick Bet-David, the channel offers a variety of content including video series, digital courses, podcasts, and scripted programming. The channel aims to enlighten, entertain, and empower current and future leaders around the world.

Verbal to Visual is a YouTube channel that teaches you how to take visual notes, also known as sketchnoting. The channel offers a variety of content, including visual book summaries, tips for digital sketchnoting, and courses to improve your visual note-taking skills. Whether you're new to sketchnoting or looking to refine your technique, this channel provides valuable insights and tutorials.

Best YouTube Channels for Life Skills

Better Ideas is a YouTube channel created by Joey Schweitzer that focuses on personal improvement and mental well-being. The channel offers a variety of content, from how to optimize sleep to building better habits, all aimed at helping you "unf*ck your life." With a candid tone, Joey dives into topics that can make a real difference in your life.

Better Than Yesterday is a YouTube channel that focuses on personal growth, drawing from various fields like psychology, philosophy, and economics. The channel aims to make content easy to remember, using simple words and friendly images. With a goal to help viewers become "better than yesterday," the channel offers insights into topics like productivity, mental well-being, and financial literacy.

Brendon Burchard is a high-performance coach and best-selling author who's been named "one of the most watched, followed, and quoted personal development trainers in history" by Success Magazine. His channel offers a mix of motivational talks, interviews, and personal development courses. With a podcast that debuted at #1 on iTunes and a variety of topics covered, Brendon aims to elevate your life and business skills.

Charisma on Command is a YouTube channel that aims to help you become more charismatic and confident in social situations. Hosted by Charlie Houpert, the channel offers videos on how to be more likable, how to make people laugh, and basically how to exude charisma. The channel believes that relationships in life are everything, so it focuses on teaching you to turn on your most confident, charismatic self when it matters most.

Develop Good Habits is a YouTube channel that focuses on helping you build new habits that will stick for a lifetime. The channel offers a 9-step process for building habits and references notable authors like James Clear and BJ Fogg to back up their advice. With a focus on self-improvement, the channel provides practical productivity tips to create a balanced work-life.

Evan Carmichael is a YouTube channel that aims to solve the world's biggest problem through motivational and educational content. With the hashtag #Believe, the channel offers a variety of videos that focus on entrepreneurship, personal development, and success strategies. Evan Carmichael collaborates with experts and thought leaders to provide actionable advice and inspire viewers to achieve their goals.

The School of Life is a YouTube channel that focuses on emotional intelligence and self-understanding. With a variety of playlists like "Relationships," "Self," and "Work + Capitalism," the channel dives deep into the complexities of human emotions, relationships, and societal issues. The channel aims to offer a more emotionally mature perspective on life, helping you navigate its ups and downs.

Wisdom for Life is a YouTube channel that offers "lessons for life," featuring a variety of thought-provoking videos. With content ranging from summaries of books like "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" to explorations of the universe's size, the channel aims to expand your horizons. Whether you're interested in self-development or pondering life's big questions, this channel has something to offer.

Best YouTube Channels for Philosophy

Academy of Ideas is a YouTube channel that delves into a wide range of intellectual topics, from psychology and philosophy to history and politics. The channel aims to liberate individuals from the "tyranny of thoughtlessness" by offering in-depth analyses and discussions. With videos that explore the works of great thinkers like Carl Jung and Friedrich Nietzsche, the channel serves as a rich resource for those looking to deepen their understanding of complex ideas.

Daily Stoic, run by Ryan Holiday, is a channel that brings the ancient philosophy of Stoicism to everyday life. The channel features a mix of short videos, podcasts, and even lectures that explore Stoic principles and how they can be applied to modern challenges. Whether you're new to Stoicism or a seasoned practitioner, this channel offers practical advice to help you become more resilient, virtuous, and wise.

Illacertus is a YouTube channel that dives deep into the philosophies of great strategists, statesmen, and thinkers like Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. The channel synthesizes political, philosophical, and religious texts, offering insights into strategies that can help you win in life. With animated videos, they cover a wide range of topics from history to power dynamics, often featuring works by Robert Greene.

SUCCESS CHASERS is a YouTube channel run by Amir, a 27-year-old video editor and animator who's also a student of philosophy and psychology. The channel aims to help people overcome life's challenges through the lens of philosophy. With videos like "The Art of Not Caring: A Complete Guide To Living A Happy Life" and "Mastering Your Emotions: Stoic Secrets to Finding Joy in the Everyday," the channel offers a deep dive into the Stoic philosophy and its modern applications.

The Stoic Rules is a YouTube channel that serves as your ultimate resource for daily things related to stoicism, self-improvement, and discipline. The channel dives deep into the teachings of stoic philosophy, exploring resilience, inner strength, and personal growth. From profound stoic quotes to short, impactful videos, the channel aims to inspire and motivate you to enrich your life with meaning and fulfillment.

We've picked some of the best YouTube channels for you.

Each one of them has something special to share.

Just like every person's journey is different, each channel can help with the different things you're going through.

So, keep watching, keep learning, and let these videos help you grow into who you want to be.

Check out more categories in our YouTube section to find videos that speak to you.

Discover More Amazing Channels


Unlock the secrets of business mastery and marketing genius with these top YouTube channels.

Elevate your creative skills with top YouTube channels in content and design.

Unlock the power of self-improvement with channels that inspire, teach, and guide your personal transformation.

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